If you are looking into implants, you may or may not have heard there are a couple of common types, endosteal and subperiosteal. They provide many of the same benefits but are applied a little differently and work better in different circumstances.
Endosteal implants are the most common type of implants. They generally come in the form of a cylindrical screw, though some come in a flat form like a plate.
The implant goes into the jaw bone, which gives it that strong support. The implant is given time to meld with your bone, through a process called osseointegration, which further increases its support structure. The dentist then sets replacement teeth on the implants.
This type works great for people who want more solid replacements for their teeth and have a enough bone in the jaw for the implants.
Subperiosteal implants perform many of the same functions, but are shaped and placed just a little differently.
They are built more like a frame. This frame is placed on or above the jaw bone, but it does not enter the bone like endosteal. The frame can still integrate with the bone from where it is placed. It still goes under your gums, but has little posts that extend past the gums. The dentist puts the replacement teeth on these posts.
Subperiosteal is an alternative for people who do not have sufficient bone support for endosteal implants. Some bone grafting options can help people receive endosteal implants, but not everyone can undergo such an operation, which can make subperiosteal implants a more viable option.
If you would like to consider implants and want to know which of these types will work for you, visit Dr. Richard J. Gawarzewski and his team. You can find us at Richard J. Gawarzewski DMD, PA in Berlin, New Jersey. Call 856-767-0053 to schedule your visit, and we will see to your needs.